15 January 2008

and so it begins

with hope of not sounding hopelessly narcissistic or letting this be one more annoying email for you to deal with, i am hereby announcing the commencement of

collectanae alistairien: thoughts, journalage, snippets, scrivenering, and tidbits from my current semester in Paris(a blog).

yes, i'm in Paris till june (apologies if you didn't know; i'm quite terrible at keeping in touch, but that by no means means i don't like you). on that note, send this to anyone i forgot, which is quite a number, i have no doubt. so instead of (or in addition to) facebook/aim stalking/keeping track of me, you should go to http://alistaire47.blogspot.com and subscribe to the RSS feed. if you don't know how to do that, look in the help files of your browser. firefox, safari, probably even IE7 have RSS support, which is much more convenient for both of us than me sending you lots of emails.* you may also check out bloglines.com if you're feeling very wired.

i promise to try and keep my blog less narcissistic journaling and more curious musings stemming from experiences in Paris, primarily, hopefully supplemented with lots of nice pictures, once i get my camera. i shall also do my best to keep it updated regularly. nevertheless, if this is completely not of interest to you, please disregard this message, with no guilt whatsoever.

that is all.

* if you REALLY WANT lots of emails, let me know, and i can probably arrange that, too.

1 comment:

Karen Joy said...

Hi, Edward, this is your cousin Karen, whom you barely know, and vice versa. Your dad sent a copy of this e-mail/blog post to the family loop, and I found you thusly. :)

Being a blogger, I find it a lot easier to keep in touch with other bloggers... I look forward to reading more.