21 July 2009


I am hereby – as of my last entry – repurposing this blog to what it already was, to a degree: a collectanæ of ideas that pique my interest, regardless of medium or authorship, as far as possible. I would ideally like to make the authorship of the whole more communal, to allow editing and reworking of previous ideas within the larger framework, but I am sadly limited to Blogger's post-comment system, at least for the time being. I would really love to turn this into a sort of Facebook wall circa 2005, when it really was a wall, where previous entries could be edited or erased, and the whole thing was more like one big whiteboard, with that inviting feeling exhibited by blank paper, whiteboards, and margins of notes to come fuck it up, and maybe produce something exquisite.

Unfortunately, I have no efficient way to do this at the moment, but if you'd like to contribute to what promises to be a particularly piquant playground of pensées, throw them in a comment, if that is not too lowly a location, or send them to me to publish in your name, or simply publish them yourself; I'll happily link to any worthy scrivenering I find.

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