25 March 2008

Fauchon and Hédiard

my, i haven't put anything up here for a while. which is sad, because there is no dearth of substance. i'll see what i can do to put things right.

a few pictures...first, a babas au rhum from Fauchon. it is gorgeous (note the two little pipette/eyedropper thingys full of rum), but sadly lacking in quality of taste, which was covered by an artificial bubblegum flavor–absolutely terrible. too bad; as it looked so good. because of that, i haven't been back to Fauchon since–everything there looks beautiful (gilded éclairs), but i now doubt the quality. even their bags (see the background) are very classy.

my apologies that this photo is sideways despite my best efforts. if you know an html tag to rotate it, leave it in the comments, and i'll fix it.

across place de la madeleine is Hédiard, which started as a tea and coffee importer, and went on to become a full-on luxury épicerie. it's a wonderful store to wander around. the staff are very nice, as is the atmosphere. they sell nice coffee, tea, chocolate, wine, spirits, jams, honeys, biscuits (tea, not buttermilk), spices, and produce. of course there's other places that specialize in such things, but Hédiard provides a nice aggregation of things guaranteed to be good. i have yet to be let down by their products. it's a happy place.

for easter they had all sorts of huge chocolate roosters all over that were quite impressive. (the french don't have the easter bunny; instead they have the church bells that ring for the first time in a while on easter morning, and throw eggs in the process, supposedly. thus, lots of chickens and roosters, and fish, as a symbol of christianity, all in chocolate, of course.) here they are on a table usually covered with sacks of different varieties of coffee–note the roaster on the right.

i have lots more pictures and stories and little notes and thoughts from my little cahier for recording such things, some of them quite interesting. i shall try to get them up here soon.

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